
August 2013

Thursday, October 6, 2011

He's on the Move!

It only took him 9 1/2 months of life to figure it out.  He finally crawls!  And away he goes...

The First Haircut

Levi was starting to look a little scraggly, so we decided it was time for his first hair cut.  They say you are supposed to wait until your baby is at least a year old to give them their first haircut, but since we couldn't figure out who exactly "they" are that says that, we decided to press on.  He loved sitting in the tractor seat and watching Dora the Explorer on the TV.  It was a quick 4 minute haircut, and he had a blast!
The Before...

Another before.  Still cute, just a little disheveled looking.

He loved "driving" the tractor.

He was so busy playing, he needed his Daddy's help to keep from wiggling around so much.

Can you tell he was having fun?

...The After! So handsome!!