
August 2013

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Final Days - She's Almost Here!

Spending some time with Daddy on Father's Day.

"All our bags are packed, we're ready to go."  Though we won't be leaving on a Jet plane, we shall soon be leaving for St. Peter's Hospital to deliver baby Gallegos #2.  I still don't think the reality of having 2 kids has quite sunk in yet, but we are getting excited in the anticipation of her arrival.  I still have my moments where I need to just stop, take a deep breath, and remind myself that everything will be okay.  God will get us through this - he has helped people in much worse situations than this, and he will not abandon me when baby #2 arrives.  I'm sure we'll have some crazy, overwhelming days, but I'm also sure the many, many wonderful days we'll have will outshine the bad ones.

In preparation for a new babino, I have been going berzurk around here trying to "get things done."    You know, all those "things" that would be nice to have done, but none of which really matter in the life of a newborn.  Poor Moises had to keep reminding me that we have everything we need, and everything else that gets done is just extra.  He really is a great husband to put up with my insanity during a pregnancy.  (Although he just might argue that I'm like this all the time.  LOL!)  So now, here I sit, the morning of our scheduled c-section, in a wonderful, relaxing, quiet, clean, and somewhat organized house. Ahhhhh... what a nice feeling!  I'm thinking I better enjoy this moment, because I'm afraid it's going to be a while before a moment like this comes back around.  (In fact, once Levi comes back, it will only be a matter of minutes before this house is back to chaos.  =)  I love that boy, but he is quite the Tasmanian devil at times!)
Speaking of Levi, we've tried our best to spend a little extra time with him over the past few weeks, knowing that his days of being an only child were quickly coming to an end.  We didn't do anything special or grandiose, just spent time with him. 
Getting pulled around the grass in the snow shovel.

Can you tell he had fun?

Helping Daddy mow the lawn.

We figured he wasn't going to remember where we went or what we did, but he would remember the time spent together and that we love him.  I do get a little sad thinking about how his life is about to be interrupted, and I just pray that he will adjust quickly.  I know he is going to LOVE being a big brother, and he is going to absolutely ADORE his little sister.  However, I'm not so sure how much he's going to love having to share his mommy and daddy's attention.  Thankfully he is young enough that I know it will all eventually work itself out with time and all will be well, and in the end he'll most likely never even realize his life was flipped upside down. 
June 19, 2012 is not only going to be Lexi's birthday, but it is also the day that Levi turns 18 months old!  So yes, these two kids of our will be 18 months apart in age, to the day!  That should make it nice and easy to remember their birthdays, right?  So, I think I'll end this posting by listing a few facts about Levi.  He's really growing up into a fun little toddler, and as always, we love watching him grow!
We've had a few days of sunshine, so we've been able to play outside.  I gave Levi a foam paint brush and a bucket of water.  He loved it.  And he also enjoyed sucking the water out of the brush.

Singing "If you're Happy and You Know it Clap Your hands!"

His favorite - playing with a ball!

Levi Moises, at 18 months old, in a nutshell:
*Weight: 29lbs  Height: 34 1/2 inches
*Languages Spoken/Understood: English, Spanish, and Klingon (we're guessing that's what that is)
*Current Words: Dada, Yea, Shoe, Sock, Amen, All Done, Huh?, Cheese, and on the rare occasion... Mama.
*Favorite food:  Anything edible...seriously, this kid will eat anything!  If I had to guess, I would say fruit (especially grapes) and carbs are his favorite,  However, he still loves to chew dog food whenever he can get his hands on it.  He's just now starting to reject some vegetables depending on how they are prepared, but for the most part he will eat anything.  I often joke that if I gave Levi a piece of dog poop for breakfast, he would most likely eat it with a smile.  =)
*Favorite Toy: Any type of ball.  He loves throwing them, bouncing them, "catching" them, and kicking them!  He also has a big car toy he loves to push all around the house.  He enjoys building up some speed and crashing into things... including the walls, your ankles, and especially the dog.  LOL!
*Favorite Sleep Prop:  A big soft, squishy blanket and any of your many stuffed monkeys (Although George is your ultimate favorite).
*Favorite Cartoon: Super Why - it's really the only cartoon you'll watch for more than 5 minutes, so that makes it your Mommy's favorite also. ;)
*Favorite Outdoor activity: Climbing up and down the stairs, and up and down again, and again, and again...
*Favorite Songs: "If You're Happy and You Know it,"  "Rise and Shine," "Engine #9," and of course "You are my Sunshine."

No doubt, this kid LOVES his Daddy!

Playing in the dirt.  Levi is such a boy. =)

Levi, we love you so much, and we pray often that you actually know how much we love you.  You're a bigger blessing to us than we ever imagined!  And now, it's time to go to the hospital and welcome another blessing into the world.  Lexi, see you in a few!!!