
August 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

January with Levi (Flashback!)

Levi, at 2 years, weighed in at 33.4 lbs and is 37.5 inches tall.  Anyone ever heard that old rule of thumb that says to double your son's height at 2 years old and that's how tall he will be??  Well, that would put Levi at over 6ft tall. Yay!  Moises thinks that's wonderful. He says being tall will make Levi a better quarterback. =)  Guess we only have to wait another 18-24 years to see if this will come true.

~~A few Levi stories I don't want to forget:
Levi's vocabulary is growing and expanding by the minute.  I love this stage; he makes me smile and laugh every single day.  It's quite fun to finally figure out what's been going through his little head all this time.  It's also the "sweetest thang you've eva heard" to hear him sing a long with you.  Try singing Jesus Loves Me.  When you get to the "Yeeesss, Jesus love meeee..." just pause and wait.  He'll chime in with "the Bible tells me so!"  SOOOO adorable.  Yeah, I'm the mom, but believe me, it's ADORABLE!  He's learned to answer by saying "Yes please, Mama," and for Moises he answers with "Yes please, Mama Daddy." LOL. He can also sing "You are My Sunshine" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," although he pronounces his twinkle-twinkle like gokie-gokie.

He's a tough little guy, who is ALL BOY!  Until it comes to his blanket, monkeys, and a sippy of milk.  Those 3 items make up Levi's trifecta of comfort and happiness.   

Did I mention how much his growth and development amazes me lately.  Who knew a 2 year old could be so much fun!  The other day at dinner time we had waffles.  While eating, he opened his arms wide, looked and me, smiled and said "HUG!"  I responded "No way, Jose! You're a sticky mess."  He then violently ripped off his bib, dramatically threw open his arms, and with a gigantic smile he screamed "HUUUUGGGG!!!!!"  I couldn't resist.  He got a super sized hug, and I became apart of his sticky, syrupy mess.  LOVE this boy.  I'll say it again:  I LOVE this little boy with all that I have to love. 

And let me just take a moment to brag, a little on Levi and a little on myself.  I have been letting Levi "help" me wash the dishes and load/unload the dishwasher for quite sometime.  Well, the other day I had began to unload the dishwasher then stepped away to take care of Lexi for a minute. When I came back a few minutes later, I found that Levi had unloaded all the pots and pans from the bottom shelf of the dishwasher and had correctly put them away in the drawer under the stove.  I also found him unloading the plastic plates and placing them on the counter directly below the cabinet where they belong.  Mind. Blown.  I had no idea he was paying that much attention or was absorbing so much information.  I think this is why the toddler stage has been so much fun for us.  As he's growing, and talking, and developing, we're finally seeing how much he is really taking in and learning.  We are seeing how deep his memory is and how much of daily life he is soaking in.  It's so much fun! And not only that, but now he knows how to unload the dishwasher!!  Score one for mom!!! Dance Party!!!!  (We reward good behavior and "doing the right thing" moments with high fives, and the "super big deal" moments with dance parties.  Yeah, we totally had a dance party after the dishwasher episode!)

 Levi is such a busy kid, with an energy level that never goes down.  He's at a stage where taking his picture requires some serious skills.  We are working on his ability to stop, look at the camera, and smile for a picture.  He will say cheese, and he will show us his teeth, and he will even smile when asked at times...but you gotta be quick to catch a good shot.

Eh, we're working on it.  Can't help but love his effort; he's just too adorable.  But I love these "not-so-perfect" pictures because they are full of his amazing personality!  Such a ham!

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