
August 2013

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8 months already!

Well I guess it's true what they say, "Time flies when you're having fun."  We've definitely been having fun since our little monkey was born.  It's just crazy to think that he's eight months old already!  Sometimes I still think of him as a newborn, but I guess he's past that stage for sure by now.  Check this out. He stands without help! Way to go, Levi! 
Yes, his Daddy helped him get up there, and he only lasted up about 2 minutes, but I still think it was quite the accomplishment.  I'm the Mom, so I'm allowed to be excited over whatever I want, right?  Besides, I think Levi was pretty excited about it too.

This boy loves to stand up.  If you want to see him bust out a big ole grin, just help him stand up.  It's a sure thing, even in the middle of a screaming fit.  It's just a matter of time before he'll be pulling himself up on things without any assistance.  He's not crawling yet, he's working on getting up on those hands and knees, so that's coming soon as well.
I love this next picture; it's packed full of personality.  The blonde hair and blue eyes are STILL here.  Pretty amazing.  There's still a chance that will change, but it's here for now and we love every piece of this little man. You also get a nice view of those pearly whites.
Summer has finally arrived in Washington. Levi is so content to just be outside (I think he gets that from his mom), and he loves playing in the water.

Levi's most recent tricks include babbling (saying ba ba ba, da da da, and oooo oooo oooo, none of which really means anything yet),
screaming (high pitched squeals to be exact),
as well as clapping his hands, clicking his tongue, and giving Daddy high-fives (so far he won't do it for anyone else).  The last time we weighed him he was over 21 lbs, but that was at least a month ago.  
I'll wrap this up with a few pictures of Levi taking his first bite of Tuna.  After a while he liked it, but you can see it took a bit to get used to.  This first one is a before the tuna picture...

and rest come after the bite of tuna.  Enjoy!

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