
August 2013

Saturday, November 19, 2011

11 months

Dear Levi,
On this day, Saturday, Nov 19, 2011, you turned 11 months old.  It wasn't an extraordinary day, but it was still special in it's own little way.
On the day you turned 11 months old...
1.You wore Christmas pj's for the first time!

True, Christmas was still about 6 weeks away, but everything else was in the wash, and you had to wear something, right?
2. You woke up to see the first snowfall of winter 2011.

(It's quite possible the Christmas pj's had something to do with know, the magic of Christmas!)  The snow then led to the first time in 2011 that you got to hear Christmas music.   :) 
3. You had peas, carrots, and mac n' cheese for lunch, which you absolutely loved!

4. For dessert, you opted to eat your first piece of dog food.
It was quite gross, I must say,  but in true Levi fashion, you had no shame, and no intention of spitting it out until your mom attacked you and pulled it out of your mouth.  Then you smiled, and went on about your day.
5. You spent a few minutes barking and growling at Kady,
6. and few more minutes playing in the kitchen drawers (your most recent favorite pastime).

7. You also spent much of the day intermittently chewing on your fingers, trying to help your 6th tooth break through on the top.
8. You got a little closer to standing on your own.
You still only lasted about 5-10 seconds with no hands, but you've made a lot of progress, and I'm sure you'll be walking very soon.
9. Before bed, you got to spend some time singing and dancing with your mom.  The Isty, Bitsy Spider was a favorite today, as well as Patty Cake, Patty Cake. A few minutes after reading One Fish, Two Fish, and you were ready for bed.
10. Your daddy had to work on this day, so you didn't get to see and play with him.  That happens every once in a while.  What you don't know, however, is that while you were sleeping your daddy came home, went down to your room, tucked you in again, and gave you a good night kiss.
11. Last but not least, on this day (and every day so far of your 11 months of life) you were very, very loved by many, many friends and family!

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