
August 2013

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Levi!

Would you believe it's almost been two years since our little monkey was born?!  Wow, it doesn't seem like it has been that long ago, and yet I feel like he has been a part of my life forever.  We were just recently discussing how crazy it is that it was literally just this past Christmas season that we celebrated his first birthday, and that he's already an older brother.  Ha ha!  
Looking back, I realized that I never did blog about his first birthday.  I was still new at this whole blog posting business, and obviously not very serious about it yet, otherwise I wouldn't have skipped over such a monumental event as the first birthday!  
So, just because, (and since it's my blog and thus I get to make all the decisions in regards to said blog), here's a little recap from last year as we celebrated Levi's First birthday.

For starters, here's my absolute favorite video, of all time, is the one I put together in honor of his first year.  It still makes me tear up every time I watch it. Every time. (and believe me, I have watched it a million times!!)

Now for the first birthday party!
Sock Monkey ~ A very appropriate theme

Getting ready for some cake. And lets all be honest, the only exciting part of a first birthday party is the cake eating portion.  Everyone's looking for a good show.

Looking at Daddy, wondering what's going on back there.

Taking off his super cute birthday shirt, hoping to save it from the upcoming mess.

"Mom, what is this big, chocolate, fiery thing you've placed in front of me."

"and why are all these people singing to me?"

"They are still singing..."

"Seriously... how long IS that birthday song?!"

Getting some help from mom to blow out that candle.

And some direction as to what to do with that big chunk of sweet goodness on the plate.

Hmmm... interested, but not convinced yet.

Some encouragement from Dad.
"Okay, I'm interested.  Let me give this a try."
"Everyone is still staring at me."
"I think I like it, let me give it another taste."

"Yup, I like it."
"And if it's a show they want, then I'll give them a show..."
"I'm just going to pick up this ENTIRE piece of chocolate cake and try to shove the whole thing into my mouth in one bite."(Oh, and by the way, he STILL eats this way, shoves as much as he can into his mouth at once.)

Kade thought it was funny.
"Yay!  I made everyone burst out with laughter!"

Mmmmm, chocolate cake!
Feeling pretty good about the mess he made.

One of the sweetest faces I've ever seen.  LOVE this boy so much!

Clean up time

Hope you enjoyed this blast from the past, stay tuned and I'll be posting this year's birthday party very soon!  Cause tomorrow, Levi turns TWO!!!

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