
August 2013

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Simply Levi

At 21 months old, Levi has the ability to stir up so many emotions with in us that some days seem like an absolute roller coaster!  
At any given moment he has the ability to make us happy, sad, elated, angry, overwhelmed, and joyful - he can make us cry tears of frustration, tears of laughter, and tears of love.  We often beam with pride over him, and sometimes we blush of embarrassment.  

Levi is a boy - a spunky, energetic, silly, tough, loving, sweet, adorable 1 3/4 yr old toddler boy - created by our mighty God, and gifted to Moises and me.  And boy do we ever love our boy!

*He loves all things made of dirt and mud.  
*He loves playing ball - to include, but not limited to ALL forms of the term "playing ball."  He has even perfected the drop kick.  And of course, his parents automatically assume this means he is gifted and talented in the athletics department. =)
*He loves to jump off steps, couches, stairs, chairs, beds, and any other object he can find at an unsafe height for jumping.

*He loves to run!  Walking is just too slow. 

*He loves bananas (aka NaNaaa, spoken with the tongue sticking out).  Okay, let's just be honest... Levi loves food.  The way to this boy's heart is through his stomach.
Giving her a kiss

*He adores his baby sister (who he now refers to as "Awwweeesooooooooooome!"  No joke, people, I couldn't make that up.  He looks at Lexi, points, and says "awesome" in a super cute, high pitched voice.) 
Helping put Lexi's hat on
*He loves to swing and go down the big slide, and he loves it even more if you're willing to slide down with him.

 He LOVES to be outside.

*He loves to laugh and loves to make others laugh with him. He is also quite the fan of being tickled.
*He is in full on "monkey see, monkey do" mode, and prefers to mimic the actions of other children versus adults.
*On that note, he also still loves all of his monkeys.

*His favorite cartoon is Super Why.  Which he enjoys watching while snuggling with any of his little monkey friends, a monkey blanket (or 2), and a sippy of milk.  And although it may make me a bad mom, I'm very happy with the fact that he will actually sit down and be still for an entire 30 minute cartoon.  If you've ever met my Levi, I'm sure you will understand. =)
*His favorite books are "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "Do You Ever Wonder Just How Much God Loves You?" 
*He has discovered airplanes.  
When he hears them he points, gasps loudly, and says "Wow!"
*He says "love you!" which sounds like Wa-Woo. (And yes, it will melt your heart every time he says it, and yes, it has on rare occasion gotten him out of trouble when said at the exact right moment with the exact right adorable little face.)
And last, but certainly not least, he has FINALLY started calling me Mama!  Yay!! 

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