
August 2013

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Two Months with Two Babies

Lexi Jane has made it to two months of life!!  Okay, so that may sound like an overly dramatic act of survival when all she has to do in life is eat, sleep, and poop, but it does kind of seem as though the last 2 months have truly been a successful survival story for our small family of 4.  Raising two babies that are only 18 months apart in age is no easy task.  Also, any small, delicate, defenseless, and helpless human being that can withstand the "love and attention" of our overly energetic 20 month old Levi, is certainly nothing less than a survivor!!

We feel overly blessed to now have Lexi in our lives.  We love watching her grow and develop and achieve those little bitty life milestones that come along in 8 short weeks.  Her brother, as gruff and tough as he can be, really does love his baby sister and is super sweet with her.  He is obsessed with giving her kisses - which are always accompanied by a "mmmmmmmuaaaahhh," a sound he makes only when kissing Lexi.  He also enjoys poking at her eyes and putting his fingers in her mouth, and he loves giving her her pacifier just to take it away from her 5 seconds later. =)  When ever Levi sees Lexi he points and with a soft, high pitched voice he says "Hi DeeCee!"  He also enjoys patting and/or petting her head and helping mommy burp her after she eats (of note, we've had to work with him and teach him the meaning of being "easy."  You may not know this, but there's a fine line between burping the baby and smacking her back to the point her lunch shoots right up out of her! LOL). All in all, it's super sweet and super cute to see how much Levi loves his little sister. He has adjusted quite well to being the older sibling, and I'm proud to say he's a great big brother.

At 2 months old, Lexi weighed in at 11lbs 13 oz and 22 1/2 inches long.  She's wearing size 2 diapers and size 3 month outfits.  She's starting to talk a little, just cooing here and there.  Lexi sleeps through the night (Praise the LORD!), and overall she has a very calm and chilled out personality.  And for now, she's pretty much taken the trophy as being our favorite baby girl, ever! Simply put, we love her to pieces!!

In my non-professional attempt to document her growth with pictures, here are some more of my favorite 2 month pictures of Lexi.  Hope you enjoy them!

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